Monday, August 2, 2010

LoveBirds PDA

Thurs, July 29th, 2010
Walking home from Alberson's, I usually see nothing that sparks my interest. But not today. As I walk, both arms full of groceries for that evenings dinner, I notice two pigeons standing twenty feet ahead of me. Their beaks were locked together, much like what we humans would call a french kiss. As I get closer to the couple, they seem to notice me and separate. The couple both start walking opposite directions, as if they aren't interested in each other at all. I continue walking. Then, as soon as I am a safe distance, I stop and dodge behind a pillar, feeling silly, but wanting to see what the lovebirds will do next. I am standing there for a few seconds before the two birds fly back to each other, and back into their lovers embrace. Beaks locked, they continue standing there. Feeling like a peeping Tom, I continue on my way. Back home to make my mate dinner.

Creative Commons License
LoveBirds PDA by Amanda Jones is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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